How to Restore Your Copper Gutters
Copper gutters lend timeless elegance to any home. One of the best features of copper gutters is their incredible lifespan. Provided you invest in the right roof and gutter maintenance, it’s unlikely you’ll ever need to worry about replacing your copper gutters.
What to Do After a Hailstorm
Hail can cause serious damage to your home, which is why it’s important to schedule an inspection after a hailstorm passes through your area. Hailstones can hit your roofing shingles at a speed of 120 mph and can incur billions...
Tips on Hiring House Painters
Painting your siding is a big job that requires skill and experience. An unsteady hand will definitely leave its mark on the finished coating. That’s why it’s best to leave this kind of work to a professional painter or siding contractor....
Why Roofs Fail
There are several reasons why a roof may fail. Knowing what they are can help you prevent them. Read on as Universal Roofing & Exteriors lists the usual culprits of roof failure.
Why Roof Inspections Are Necessary After a Storm
Should you have your roof inspected after a storm even if it doesn’t appear to be leaking? The short answer is yes, because not all damage is visible to the untrained eye. Universal Roofing & Exteriors elaborates further below.