Four Things to Expect When You Hire Professional Painters
Planning to give your home a paint job for a fresh new look? Rather than taking the DIY route, consider hiring professional painters to get the job done. Read on as Universal Roofing & Exteriors, a top local roofing and painting...
What Should Be in Your Roofing File?
A detailed roofing system file is good to have. It helps you keep track of every important detail about your roof, from the materials and workmanship to maintenance and repair history.
Are Windows Covered by Homeowners Insurance?
New, energy-efficient windows are a great option if you’re thinking about home improvement. In many states, you might even qualify for tax deductions because these windows have properties that can help reduce your carbon footprint.
What Could Delay Your Roof Replacement?
Residential roofing replacement is a job best left to experienced professionals. A botched installation will compromise the performance and longevity of your roof, which is why you should not attempt to DIY this task.
Top Reasons to Choose a GAF Master Elite® Roofing Contractor
To ensure the success of your roof replacement project, you need to hire the right contractor. Look for a roofer with ample experience installing your chosen roofing material. If you’ve chosen a GAF roofing system, then you should limit your...